
Similarly to the Hospitals in Budapest, the Hospital in Szentes Was Renovated by B+N in Record Time

We are proud that a number of hospitals in Budapest – and now an important institute in the country as well – can receive patients in full compliance with the requirements of the 21st century. 70 employees of B+N Referencia Zrt. have replaced doors and windows, modernised the electrical nework, installed new radiators as well as did some paint and plaster work in an area of 1,800 square metres.

One of the decrees of the Hungarian government in 2020 made a decision on the renovation of several state-managed and publicly financed hospitals. As part of this, our company carried out renovation work in 200 buildings of 17 hospitals in Budapest between September 2020 and March 2022.

Our colleagues spent 2 million working hours modernising a total of 300,000 square metres. The renovated operating theatres, patient and treatment rooms and passageways meet even the most stringent professional and aesthetic requirements. The project was coordinated by the Directorate General for Public Procurement and Supply.

B+N Referencia Zrt. kórházfelújítás Szentesen

The internal ward and the intensive care unit have been fully renewed

As a second part of the programme, two renovated buildings of the Dr. Bugyi István Hospital in Szentes have been opened recently. The internal ward and the intensive care unit have been fully renewed. 70 employees of B+N Referencia Zrt. have replaced doors and windows, modernised the electrical nework, installed new radiators as well as did some paint and plaster work in an area of 1,800 square metres.

A B+N Referencia Zrt. 70 munkatársa 1.800 négyzetméteren kicserélte a nyílászárókat, megújította az elektromos hálózatot, új radiátorokat szerelt fel, valamint festés- vakolást végzett

Our colleagues have implemented the renovation in record time (3.5 and 3 months), just like in the case of the hospitals in Budapest. It is important to highlight that patient care did not stop even for a minute during the renovation work.

We are proud that, following a number of hospitals in Budapest, now several buildings of an important healthcare institute in the country can receive patients in full compliance with the requirements of the 21st century.